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The Monastery of Our Lady, the Queen of Angels was completed in 1141 Ad in Sacremania in northern Spain. It was renamed Monastery of Bernard de Clairvaux when Clairvaux was canonized, as he was one of the most influential monks of his time.


For 700 years, monks lived in the monastery. In the 1830's, the Monastery’s Cloisters were seized, sold, and converted into a granary and stable.


In 1925, William Randolf Hearst purchased the buildings and shipped them to the United States. hearst had financial problems and they were sold in auction. They sat in warehouse in Brooklyn, NY for 26 years until two entreprenuers purchased them for a tourist attraction. 


Colonel Robert Pentland, Jr, a multimillianaire banker and philanthropist purchased the monastery in 1964 and gave them to the Bishop of Florida.


Services are regularly held there.






Ancient Spanish Monastery

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